Scams and Frauds are common online. Learning how to protect yourself while surfing the web will save you money and stress. Learn to spot and report scams and frauds before they happen to you or others. Internet scams can happen to anyone.
How does one know which is the right business
The Using Other People's Money Song
Free ! Low Start-Up Cost!

Everybody wants to show me how to become a millionaire but first they have to take the little penny I have. How many times have you heard- ground floor opportunity, low start ups? There are these businesses where the start-up is low or free. Some of them will ask for a shipping and handling fee for thier product and after you give them the credit card number hit you with there's a monthly fee of $49.95 a month. Hello! people want to make money. That's why they are looking for the next big opportunity in the first place. The only way, I see one can make it, is to develop his or her idea, invent something, put their hobby to work for them or buy an existing business.
Lately, I've been receiving these emails from some people in the Phillipines, England and the good old US. These people all have one thing in common. They have money which they want to share with me. All I have to do is send them my information. Well, with all this identity theft going on how daft do these people think I am?
Chain Letter Promises ?To Make YOU Rich Overnight -Beware
Chain letter below is one of the many letters I receive. The names and companies have been modified along with some of the contents.
Chain Letter Guarantees $250,000 IN A FEW WEEKS
Greetings, I am a teacher and recently retired attorney friend of mine sent me a letter relating a very interesting experience which I would like to share with you. I'll just quote his letter, for the contents are simple.

A few years ago, a man came to me with a letter. He asked me to verify the fact that this was legal to do. I told him I would review it and get back to him. When I first read the letter my client brought me, I thought it was some sort of "off -the-wall" idea to make money. A week and a half later we met in my office to discuss the issue. I told him the letter he originally brought to me was not 100% legal.
My client then asked my to alter it to make it perfectly legal. I asked him to make one small change in the letter. I was still curious about the letter, so he explained to me how it works. I thought it seemed like a long shot. I decided against participating., but before my client left, I asked him to keep me updated on his results. About two months later, he called me to tell me he had received over $800.000. in cash! I did not believe him, so he asked me to try this and find out for myself.
I thought about it for a couple of days, and decided I didn't really have anything to lose, so I asked him for a copy of the letter. I followed the instructions exactly mailed 200 copies, and sure enough; the money started coming in! It started slowly at first, but after about three weeks, I was getting more mail than I could handle in a day. I could barely believe it.
I met with my friend for lunch to find out exactly how it worked. He told me there were quite a few similar letters around, but this one was different, because there are six names at the end of the letter, not like some others. This fact alone results in your name being in far more rectums.
The other fact was the help I gave him, making sure the whole thing was legal, since no one wants to take the risk of doing something illegal.
By now you are surely curious to know what small change to make. If you send a chain letter like this one out in order for it to be completely legal you must follow all steps and send the people on your list something in exchange to make it legal. I first tried this idea I was earning a good living as a lawyer. Everyone in the legal profession will tell you there is a lot of stress that comes with the job.
I told myself if things worked out, I would retire from my practice and play golf. I decided to try the chain letter again but this time I sent out 500 copies. Three months later, I had a total of $2,341,178.!!Here are a few reasons a person might give for not trying this program: Some people think they can never make a lot of money with anything this simple. Some are afraid they will be ridiculed for trying. Some dream of large sums.
Some dream of large sums of money but do nothing to actually achieve it.
Some are just plain lazy. Some are afraid of losing their investment. They think this program is designed to beat them out of a few dollars. The system works if you will just try it! But you must follow the directions exactly and in less than three months, you will receive $800,000....GUARRANTEED!
When you send out 200 chain letters, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you $1($15). Those 15 people will mail 200 letters each and 225 will send you a $1($225) Those 225 people mail 200 chain letters each and 3, 375 people will send you a $1($3,375). Those 3375 people will mail out 200 letters 200 letters each and 50,625 people will send you $1($50,625) Those 50,625 people will mail 200 letters each and 759, 375, people will send $1($759,375). At this point your name will drop off the list but so far you will have received $813,615.
1. Immediately, send $1, to each of the six people at the end of the chain letter.
2. When you have completed the instructions take the letter to a copy shop and make at least 200 copies. The more copies you send out the better the results.
3. Get at least 200 names from a mailing list company. The following company does not recycle their list. They promise that each name on the peel and stick labels have recently requested for money making opportunities within the last ten days. The second one offers CODs John Doe Mailing List Company Order Desk Phone 1-888-341-mail.O.Box 345678 Paybox 112 Jane Doe INC (COD)South Florida FL 30824-5678 Blair NE 68107 1800-561-0978
5. While waiting for your mailing list to arrive place the letter in envelopes and stamp them. Make sure to put a return address on the envelopes.
6. When the lists arrives, it will be peel and stick labels. Put them on the envelopes and drop them in the mail. Within 90 days you will receive $80.000 cash.
7. Keep a copy of this chain letter so you can use it a second time. It will work better the second time. STAY COOL...….Keep your job until you have time to plan your next step. Send 10% of your income to a charitable cause, save 20%, set aside 10% for your next business project or mailing list, 10% for bills 30% for taxes, and 20% to play with. Not enough? MAIL! MAIL!
Be smart in handling your money especially if you have never had this much before. Keep what you are doing to yourself for a while. Many will tell you it won't work and try to talk you out of your dreams. Let them know of your success after it works. And it will. You will soon compile an extensive mailing list. It can be very useful in your business or you can sell it to a mailing list firm or start your own. DO NOT put your friends and family on your list until you have purchased your mailing list labels and have proof that it works. LETTERS AND TESTIMONIALS FROM PARTICIPANTS IN THIS PROGRAM
Make $250.000.00in Weeks
AS SEEN ON Hapra & 20/20***Oprah Winfrey and ABC's Investigative Team 20/20 also prove it can be done.***
Gut Feelings Are Always Right -Don't Get Scammed
Gut Feelings Make Great Friends
Gut feelings save lives. People say trust your gut feelings. And, that if it sounds too good to be true then, probably it really is. Scams come in different shape or form. Always go with your gut feelings as there are pretty good liars and manipulators out there waiting to pounce. If you are not careful they will scam the shirt right off your back. I've been scammed several times so I know having been taken for a ride several times.
I have been targeted through emails, telephones, snail mail and in person. I have let my guard down more than listening to my gut feelings and end up being taken for a ride. Since, I know the tactics of the scammers, I am sharing this so you won't be fooled. Maybe you have never been scammed and think it won't happen to you well, you never know.
There once was a time, I used to purchase merchandise from catalogs. As a result my name was sold to some company who included me on their mailing list. Being eager to be my own boss I was nominated and won the title of Opportunity Seeker. All I did was purchase a manual which would teach me how to trade commodities hoping to reap a fortune in the process. Ever since, my name has been making others rich and a candidate for scam artists. When they are not using my information to run up big bills they are sending non postal money directing me to deposit only into my bank account. But that's a whole different post.
So,I received this letter way back then and I am still receiving them today sometimes modified, sometimes altered. I don't know if you are aware of this letter in which it is always printed "THIS IS NOT A CHAIN LETTER BUT A PERFECTLY LEGAL MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY.
This letter claims to make one $80.000, or $250.000 in weeks. This is by far the biggest scam yet and I can attest to the fact twice , that it does not work After following all the instructions, the only people who made money were the people I sent a $1 to the mailing list company which usually sells names for $40, $75 the post office for postage and not forgetting the store where I had to purchase 200 envelopes and the copy store for copies. Sometimes more has to spent on copies because the chain letter takes up multiple pages. I spent about more to make less than my initial investment.
Many people are taken because it sounds good, believable, easy and affordable. They even include testimonials. All this is to sway the unsuspecting and get one to eat from their hands. Before you know it you are taken for a ride.
If you don't want to be scammed keep your guard up always. The only way such programs are still around is because people buy into the hype hoping to make some really quick, fast money only to be in for a rude awakening. IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE , THEN MAYBE IT REALLY IS. Always listen to your gut feelings.
Scam Tips Protection Blog Entries
Fraudulent Emails Scam Letters How to Spot and Handle
Fraudulent Emails & Scam Letters What You Need to Know Fraudulent emails and scam letters have become increasingly common as people do...

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