Avoiding Online Scams Is For Everyone
Avoiding online scams written to help unsuspecting consumers who may fall prey and become victims like me. Avoiding online scams when buying anything online can help save you headaches; not to mention a ton of money. Read of my story and learn from my experience. Avoiding online scams should be top priority when surfing the web. We will also discuss the different types of scams, how to recognize them, and provide tips on what you can do if you become a target. With our tips, we can ensure that your online activities will be safe and secure.
Avoiding Online Scams-Websites That Scam
In today's digital age, it's important to be aware of the various online scams and fraudsters that exist because avoiding online scams will benefit immensely. With the rise of technology and increased access to information, it is easy for scammers to target unsuspecting victims. Knowing how to identify and avoid common online scams as well as, how to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud will save you headaches.
Online websites that scam unsuspecting Consumers out of their hard earned money are popping up all over the web. Like everybody else, I like nice things. And, if I can get nice things at a fraction of the cost then why not? You may be familiar with the old adage, "cheapness gives you worriness". Well, I was about to ride the worry train had I gone through with a transaction on an online website that scams people out of their money. If I had known about avoiding online scams I would not have wasted time and energy.
It was black Friday and having experienced the whole black Friday mayhem; (you know, standing outside the electronic store at 4 am to be the first to enter the store when it opens at 7 am ); I decided to shop in my pajamas because, some online sites were also giving away deep discounts on the same electronic merchandise. I pads were the rave and I wanted to reward myself with one. A month prior to black Friday, I was about to buy one but the price stopped me so I didn't. I'm not cheap. My mantra is "people die and live money behind" so for me, price is usually not an issue. Still, I don't comprehend, why I was deterred from taking an I pad home with me instead of waiting.
Okay, you are anxious to know the online website that scams Consumers out of money and I will disclose them as promised. But first, there's a story here and I need to tell it. I did my search because I did not want to purchase an I pad directly from the Apple store (which I ended up doing anyway). Sure enough, I pads were on sale because it was black Friday so I clicked and clicked and landed on a scam site.
This site is very professionally done with graphics and rock bottom prices on brand new electronics. Navigation is simple and they accept pay pal, visa, and master card. On the message board of these online website that scams, there are 64 reviews with the majority from a user named Anonymous. Reviews from anonymous is a major red flag.
The New Apple iPad 4 Wifi+Cellular 16GB with Retina display sells for $300, the 2012 Apple touch 5 generation 64GB sells for $160, and the iPod touch 5th,Apple iPod Touch (fourth generation, 64GB)costs $110. With these prices, I'm saying I should get two of each and sell them on eBay. I even told myself that since they accept PayPal and credit, I had nothing to lose because I would be reimbursed if the merchandise wasn't delivered because that's PayPal's and the credit card company policy.
Okay, you are anxious to know the online website that scams Consumers out of money and I will disclose them as promised. But first, there's a story here and I need to tell it. I did my search because I did not want to purchase an I pad directly from the Apple store(which I ended up doing anyway). Sure enough, I pads were on sale because it was black Friday so I clicked and clicked and landed on the scam site.
This site is very professionally done with graphics and rock bottom prices on brand new electronics. Navigation is simple and they accept pay pal, visa, and MasterCard. On the message board of these online website that scams, there are 64 reviews with the majority from a user named Anonymous. Reviews from anonymous is a major red flag.
With ridiculous prices like these who would not? The New Apple iPad 4 Wifi+Cellular 16GB with Retina display sells for $300, the 2012 Apple touch 5 generation 64GB sells for $160, and the iPod touch 5th,Apple iPod Touch (fourth generation, 64GB)costs $110. With these prices, I'm saying I should get two of each and sell them on eBay. I even told myself that since they accept PayPal and credit, I had nothing to lose because I would be reimbursed if the merchandise wasn't delivered because that's PayPal's and the credit card company policy.

I placed my order for the above three items and felt good. You see, $560. is the price for an iPad when taxes, shipping, and handling are factored in. So to pay that amount for three electronic items which are brand new releases felt like hitting the jackpot but when I was ready to check out to submit credit card information; the links for the credit card and PayPal were inoperable. So, I sent a message to an email address on the site and that's when his or her true colors came out.
For more information on this updated Ipad2022 click Ama
An email came back saying, $560 was too small an amount to use PayPal or credit card that, I should send the money through Western Union to JIASHENG CHEN. To date, I didn't bother further contacting the scam artist instead I quickly did a search on the name in the email address and the results were simply unbelievable. I discovered that, the person who sent the email is living in Florida, that other people were crying fraud after losing money and not receiving any merchandise and that there are three sites with the exact design selling the same products. The only thing different about these online websites that scam is the name. You should be wary when conducting business online as scam artists are everywhere. Stay away from scamming sites like go cheap sky. This site has now transformed into an adult xrated site and others have shut down.
Common Types of Online Scams & How to Spot Them
Being aware of online scams and learning how to spot them is so important as Scammers are becoming more sophisticated and creative in their methods of deception. So, its necessary to be one step ahead of them, stay vigilant and, know the common types of online scams. Let's look at phishing one of many online scams examples.
Phishing scams are one of the most common types of online frauds. These scams involve sending emails or messages that appear to be from a legitimate source such as, a bank or government agency in order to get personal information from unsuspecting victims. Other types of online fraud include investment frauds and internet lottery scams, which can lead to financial losses if not spotted quickly.
phishing email |
Spotting a phishing email is essential for everyone who uses the internet regularly especially those using email as main point of staying in touch with others. People need to know what these scams look like and how they can protect themselves from becoming victims. The image above is a sample phishing email scam. Knowing how to spot a phishing email before it causes any damage will be to your benefit and peace of mind.
Walmart <sales@dironeya.org>To: Darla@yahoo.com : The above email appears to come form Walmart but look closely. Walmart is a dotcom site yet, it says sales at a dotorg. Don't let the legit company name like in the example above fool you. If it said sales@walmart.com then of course it's legit. Any time you get an email like the one above; before clicking on any links in the email always look to see where it's coming from. Walmart email would say sales@walmart.com or your bank would say customerservice@bankofamerica.com NOT john@banking.org or sales@ebinezar.org. Even before opening such emails, you should hit delete. And, this is how to prevent online scams from happening to you.
Internet Lottery Scams - Avoiding Online Scams
This is a type of fraud that involves the use of email, text messages, and other online methods to lure unsuspecting victims into sending money or providing personal information. These scams typically involve a fake lottery win notification or other false promises of large sums of money. Victims are often asked to provide personal information such as bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, or credit card information in order to receive their supposed winnings. Unfortunately, these scammers never deliver on their promises and instead use the victim’s personal information for identity theft and other fraudulent activities.
With the rise of cybercrime in the US, it is important to know how to report such incidents. It is essential for individuals and businesses to understand the process of reporting cybercrime so that they can protect themselves from becoming victims. It's important to report any cyber crime you experience or witness so that, law enforcement can investigate and take action against the perpetrators. But how do you report cyber crime in the US?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is responsible for investigating internet-related crimes such as identity theft, computer intrusions, online fraud and other cybercrimes. Individuals who have been a victim of internet scams or any other cybercrime can contact their local FBI field office in order to report the incident. They should provide as much information about the incident as possible including any evidence that they may have collected.
In addition to contacting their local FBI field office, victims can also file a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The IC3 is an online platform where victims can submit complaints about internet-related crimes and track its progress through their system.
Avoiding online scams and protecting yourself from fraudsters should be foremost on your mind whenever you surf the internet. With the increasing prevalence of online scams, it is important to stay vigilant and protect yourself from becoming a victim. Fortunately, there are several tips and strategies you can use to avoid online scams and we hope that the few we have put together for you will be of great help.
From being aware of how scammers operate to learning how to identify fake websites, you can take the necessary steps to ensure that you don't fall prey to these malicious actors. In this article, we discussed some of the most effective tips and strategies for avoiding online scams so that, you can stay safe while browsing the internet.
Online frauds have become increasingly common and it is important to be aware of the methods fraudsters use to scam people. Reliable sites and organizations were provided to help you recognize and avoid online frauds. These resources provide information on the latest scams, tips on how to protect yourself from fraudsters, and advice on how to report any suspicious activity. We hope you take advantage of these resources which will help you stay safe online and protect yourself from becoming a victim of online fraud.